How to encourage play at home?

 Children's games are not just games, but the most important thing at this stage of their lives" (De Montenegro)

We do a lot to persuade the kids to leave the screens and play games and toys at home.

Trying to choose different games, shopping on shopping sites, looking for reviews and recommendations to choose the game that will be interesting on the one hand and on the other hand will develop and support our children's developmental abilities.

From my experience as an occupational therapist who works with young children and visits I have made to families in homes, the amount of toys and games in most homes is large and varied, sometimes overwhelming and usually not utilized adequately. A lot of quality and expensive games and toys end up left on the shelf unused.

In most cases, guidance based on home observation will help create better quality play time in the family setting.

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Here are some questions and highlights in the home observation:


Is there a suitable space for a joint game at home?

Is the existing space safe?

Where are the games located?

What are the sensory qualities in the home? Do you encourage play?

Does the atmosphere in the house support a joint game?

Are there any partners for a joint game at home?

So how to encourage play at home?

Creating a suitable space - A suitable and safe space that allows play is a necessary condition. It is recommended to create a space in the house that encourages play, in the designated space the child will be able to play safely with and without an adult (depending on age).

Pay attention to safety - In the safety check, women pay attention to covered electrical outlets, sharp table corners covered, drawers with safety closure, etc.

Exposure - The games and toys will be stored on exposed shelves and in closed drawers according to the child's age and interests. Some games will be reset in a way that allows for independent spending and some in a way that requires a request for help from an adult.

Variety in location - it is recommended to vary and change the location of the games from time to time, in order to arouse renewed interest in forgotten games.

Neutralization of disruptions and distractions- In order to encourage play, attention must be paid to sensory (sensory) disturbances in the designated space. Disturbances that originate from background noise, or cause visual distraction can be created for example from a switched on TV which will make it difficult for the child to focus on the game. Disruption and distraction can also be caused by a large amount of games / toys to choose from, and an age-inappropriate or disorganized approach.

Atmosphere and playing time - Atmosphere in a home that supports play is critical to its existence. Creating play time in a child's daily schedule is especially important in the world of screens, which is so accessible and tempting.

Parents participate in the game - creating time to play together with the parents from my experience is a chopper from both the child's point of view and the parents' point of view. The child will gain quality play time that promotes his abilities, will feel loved and capable. Parents will gain quality time with their child, connect to areas of interest, recognize abilities and support challenges, enjoy quality joint interaction that will form the basis of the family relationship.



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