
Is your child ready for first grade?

  A difficult year has passed for the education system following the corona and in particular for the kindergarten children, in which the children stayed most of the time at home. Kindergarten children, and in particular compulsory kindergarten children, have accumulated a gap in their preparation for first grade. A child entering first grade is required to perform tasks, understand, be able to absorb various skills such as: reading and writing skills and more. He is required to sit for a long time and be able to write and complete assignments without experiencing frustration.   Many parents are apprehensive and ask if my child is ready for first grade? What does a prepared child mean? What is expected of him? And how can he be helped to be ready? We will try to answer this in this article: Read more informative and spicy articles   First-grade readiness is measured in four different areas: Continuous maturity Cognitive maturity includes thinking ability, percept

On stages and materials in the development of child drawings

The expression in creative materials develops in parallel with the motor, cognitive and emotional developmental stages and influences them. It is recommended to expose the child from an early age to creating with different materials to encourage different experiences. It is important to submit materials appropriate to the age of the child and the stages of development of the painting, to encourage an experience of success and prevent frustration. Read more informative and spicy articles   Steps and materials in the temptation of child drawings Scribble stage: (age one and a half - two years and even three)   The scribble begins as a spontaneous movement activity, with little control over the movements that create the scribble. As children's motor skills develop, they begin to make repetitive movements in their scribbles, forming vertical or horizontal lines, round shapes, and different points.   At this age the child has no early intention to create represent

How to choose a book for a child?

  Children's literature contributes to the child's cognitive, emotional, and linguistic development. Provided the story is adapted and true for the child…   Unfortunately, we find that there is a "flood" of children's books on the market, especially for preschoolers. Because of the rather low image of children's literature, many people think that it is not easy to write a children's book and try it for themselves. Many are willing to pay for publishing so that their book is published, and today the price of self-publishing a book is not high. For a fee, you can publish any book, whatever it is quality. Examining the children's books on the market reveals that alongside the good books that are published after proper treatment of the publisher's name, there are many books that do not meet the required standards of linguistic richness, good illustrations, and high-level production.   The illustrations and pictures are probably also a very im

Prepare the children

    Fear often stems from the unknown, which creates in us a feeling of insecurity and lack of control. The more information we have, the more we feel in control, and this gives us confidence. That is, the more information we provide to the child, the less we can reduce the feeling of fear - and the information we provide to him by the term. The word derives from the root TRM - i.e. in advance - we give it the information in advance and thus prepare it.   How do you convey the early messages to the child correctly? Some highlights should be noted: What we say - the content: the amount and type of information we expose it to. The younger the child, the less information we will reveal to him - only what is essential in order to instill confidence in him. How we say - the language we use (example: do not say "it is not scary/painful" - because our brain does not hear the "no", and what is left in the child's head is "scary/painful"). Whe

Support for independence

  Supporting independence is very important. Parents of toddlers and young children often tend to perform tasks for them that they are able to perform on their own.   This natural tendency stems from the need for the adult to control the situation or from an incorrect assessment of the child's abilities, sometimes both. Many times, the desire for accurate execution outweighs the desire to take advantage of the situation for learning and practice.   A child who practices dressing alone, practices many important abilities at the same time. For example, directions - the direction of wearing the garment; the sequence of movements required for wearing; Coordination - coordination of movements while wearing; Equilibrium mechanisms - when wearing standing pants and more and more.   Difficulty in any of the functional components mentioned many times will cause the child to avoid the activity. Read more informative and spicy articles   How to create independence sup

Break the tools and do not play

    Playing with friends is a key skill that makes children more vital, more alert, and experience a sense of partnership and belonging. But many times in the middle of the game - one of the participants "breaks the tools", reacts with anger and frustration and the game falls apart. It is worth remembering that playing together between children often leads to conflicts that often lead to a conflict between desires. In order to maintain playfulness and not "break the tools" the child must be able to recover quickly from disappointment, increase his flexibility and agree to compromise. By achieving maximum self-control and on the other hand, also understanding the intention of the other.   As a kindergarten teacher, it is important for me to intervene and mediate between the participants in order to maintain the enjoyment and experience of success among the participants. But how can you keep the game between the kids going? Read more informative and

Tips for proper and good reading for children

  A study conducted at the Center for Brain Imaging in Children at the Technion's Faculty of Science and Technology (2019), led by Dr. Tzipi Horowitz-Krauss and at the Cincinnati Ohio Children's Hospital, found through MRI analysis that the brains of young children aged 3-5 exposed to long "screen times" Neurologically different from the brains of children who are exposed to reading books and not for the better.   The findings indicated low attention, impatience, difficulty coping with states of restraint, difficulty with abstract thinking and problem solving, and more for those who do not read books and are exposed to screens at a young age. So no matter which book you choose and what you know about it before, the main thing is that you read it.   So what is in these books? Or "what does he already find in it, all five balloons," one friend said to another as she told her that her eight-month-old baby was asking for the book over and over again. Do

"The terrible age of two"

  Who among us has not gone through the experience of the child lying on the floor and stamping his feet when the child did not get what he wanted? This behavior is very typical around the ages of two or three. What causes it? What can be done to help the child and reduce these cases? Read more informative and spicy articles   What is a tantrum? A tantrum is a child's way of expressing anger and frustration. It is an uncontrollable emotional outburst. It stems from the fact that the child does not have the verbal ability to express his feelings (whether his language is not yet sufficiently developed, or whether due to the emotional flooding in which he is at that moment), and therefore he expresses his feelings physically.   What causes the tantrum? The tantrum is due to a gap between what is desired and what is found. These gaps can be due to various things, for example, a gap between the child's desires and abilities (for example the desire to dress alone, b

Back to school routine for children with dysregulation

  Returning to the school routine after summer vacation and holidays can be both exciting and stressful. Especially for children with dysregulation who face high sensory sensitivity, who may experience a flood of stimuli, confusion, and anxiety. For children with sensory hypersensitivity prolonged sitting in class can be difficult for their body and mind looking for movement and activity. Here are some ideas that can help ease the way back to the routine. Read more informative and spicy articles   Before school   Prepare the clothes the night before to avoid having to make decisions immediately upon getting up. Plan to have a few minutes before a nutritious breakfast and before leaving the house for relaxing activities such as jumping on a trampoline, give the child a few minutes of massage pressing on the shoulders and along the arms, or a number of stretching exercises with rubber bands. It is also possible to give at breakfast a thick drink to drink with a straw. All of

The hits of the board games

    There are board games that you always love. The ones that always stay on the shelf. Those who never throw away. Mainly because it's always fun to play with them. These are the hits of the board games. Hits that over the years have become "classics of board games". We have gathered here in the list the team of the classics. Favorite board games that are unnoticed are always guarded. Even when growing up. Read more informative and spicy articles   School-age hits: Double - speed, concentration, and discernment. A cool game of reaction speed and visual diagnosis. Dreams - the wonderful game invented by six-year-old Miranda, who thought about the game one night when she could not fall asleep. Kitten - the internationally acclaimed game that has been celebrated for 20 years. Prince and Princess - a true classic of 48 challenging puzzles of increasing difficulty. Mankell - the ancient African game where you have to calculate your way to victory by ac

Accessibility and arrangement of games

"They have full toys at home and they are not playing with anything!" Oh, how many times have I heard parents say this sentence in front of me and opposite how many times I also heard the sentence "Only you have a board game" for example or "he has full games and he always wants the same game/book" etc. Read more informative and spicy articles;   Why they do not play, and what can be done with it, about it in the following points: • Children will always prefer to go to the seller, to a place where they know the rules and order and have certainty on the one hand in it and on the other hand a greater sense of security that will lead to greater success and an increased sense of competence. Therefore they will choose the same book or game over and over again.   • Also, new games require a lot more effort to get organized and understand and it should be noted that in introducing a new game often more mediation will be required.   • Accessib

The importance of reading stories at the beginning of elementary school

  By school age, most of a child's language acquisition occurs through the auditory canal. The child acquires the language from its hearing, practices its sounds by production, gives himself feedback, and corrects accordingly. This way the child increases the vocabulary and vocabulary he has. However, from school age, the language to which the child is exposed is a written language in addition to the bee language.   Many parents from school-age give up reading stories with the thought that the child is already too old to read, that "it is time for him to read on his own." And along with the daily hardships of reading the books becomes secondary and slowly disappears.   It is important to know that in early school classes, a child's reading abilities develop, and there is a gap between reading ability and comprehension ability. The child is busy acquiring the letters, the punctuation, the combination of the letters and the punctuation for meaningful

Knowing how to say goodbye - about the meaning of parting

   It is important to learn to say goodbye. Although, from the moment we are born we experience thousands of separations.   Thousands of separations? Absolutely yes. The moment we came out of the womb is the first but after that many moments appeared: the end of the delicious food, the end of the pleasant shower, getting out of mom or dad's hug to bed, parting from one point of view, parting from the day and beyond, parting from the diaper, and more Read more informative and spicy articles;   Leah Goldberg described well:   “In everything, there is at least one-eighth of death. Its weight is not large.   With what grace Tamir and Sha'anan carried him to wherever we went.   In beautiful awakenings, in walks, in the love of lovers, in distraction   We will always be forgotten in the backyard and be with us, and it is not burdensome ”   Some separations in our lives are expected: ending an educational setting, finishing a drinking glass contai

How to encourage play at home?

  Children's games are not just games, but the most important thing at this stage of their lives" (De Montenegro) We do a lot to persuade the kids to leave the screens and play games and toys at home. Trying to choose different games, shopping on shopping sites, looking for reviews and recommendations to choose the game that will be interesting on the one hand and on the other hand will develop and support our children's developmental abilities. From my experience as an occupational therapist who works with young children and visits I have made to families in homes, the amount of toys and games in most homes is large and varied, sometimes overwhelming and usually not utilized adequately. A lot of quality and expensive games and toys end up left on the shelf unused. In most cases, guidance based on home observation will help create better quality play time in the family setting.             Read more informative and spicy articles Here are some questions and

Three things that will promote your child today!

   For over two decades, we have known that the minds of children and adolescents change and take shape according to the environment in which they are and to which they are exposed. Thus, for example, screens and their different uses, can cause disruption in brain activity and create various disorders. Many studies, as well as my research conducted in Israel a year ago, have also shown a significant link between time and screen use and attention deficit disorder, sleep disorders, behavioral disorders, anxiety, depression, obesity and more. As parents, we want to make sure our children get the best, so it is very important that we understand what influences and shapes our children's minds.   Want to make sure you strengthen your children's minds? Note three alternatives to screens:  Read more informative and spicy articles; 1- The kids want… Everyone has… But who really knows what's good for your child? You as parents have more experience and knowledge than you